Dear Dr. Sweet & Staff:

I have been thinking about writing this letter for some time, but as usual, I am only getting to it now. This letter is meant as a testimonial to you and your staff and a heartfelt thank you for bringing Corey into our lives. He is the love of our life.

Our story is not dissimilar to anyone else trying unsuccessfully to have a baby. Paul and I were married in October, 1996, and because 40 was creeping around the corner, we decided to try for children right away. We went through six months unsuccessfully until on day we found out we were pregnant. At the time, we thought well that there had not been a long time to wait for the pregnancy. Unfortunately, that pregnancy ended in miscarriage. We didn't let that setback bother us and continued again to have a baby. A year and a half later, we were still trying unsuccessfully.

We both decided to seek the help of an infertility specialist and repeatedly Dr. Sweet's name was mentioned. During our first appointment, we found him to be very knowledgeable, understanding and a quick sense of humor. All the qualities we wanted in a doctor who was going to try to get us a baby.

We proceeded to have testing done on both Paul and I to determine what, if anything, was the problem. The results came back that Paul had problems with his sperm and because of this, the percentage for having our own child was low. I remember Dr. Sweet reassuring us by saying that perhaps Paul had simply "had a bad-hair-day".

After discussing our options with Dr. Sweet, we decided to go forward with Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) with clomiphene citrate. Our first two inseminations were unsuccessful and I can tell you it was very discouraging; however, we kept having faith that we would have a baby someday. Finally, two and a half years after our decision to have children, we became pregnant via IUI. Because of Dr. Sweet and his staff, we have a beautiful, healthy son named Corey.

One thing I must stress about trying to have a baby or going through these procedures is you have to keep the faith. I remember being stressed every month wondering if we were pregnant and finding another failure. After the IUI that produced Corey, I remember thinking and feeling that what will be will be and not dwelling on whether I was pregnant or not. I had resolved myself to the fact that we might not have a baby of our own but that we had plenty of love to give to someone else's child.

Again, thank you to Dr. Sweet and the staff of Specialists in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery. We look forward to coming back for our next child.


Deborah Heinrich

Comment From Dr. Sweet:
I remember a couple of interesting points from Deborah and Paul's particular case.

In the latter part of 1998 and early in our work together, I was given the story that their dog had eaten one of their prescriptions! A likely story, indeed! I believed them and rewrote the prescription (not exactly a hot black-market prescription, at that) laughing quietly that I had used a similar story during grade school with regards to some assigned homework....

The second point was that I was so very pleased to be successful with this couple in such a cost-effective manner. Sometimes, with similar issues, one has to resort to more costly and involved procedures. I was pleased that we were able to get the job done quickly and in a comparatively less expensive manner.

I look forward to Deborah and Paul to come back sometime soon to join our "frequent flyer program". I wish all of them the best of luck.

updated 1/10/10

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