Our Story

By: Dwayne & Shavon Donnell

Good Afternoon:

It gives me great honor and pride to introduce to you the latest addition to the Donnell family. I would like to share with you Ms. D'Yani Louise Donnell; and I assure you she is just as dynamic as her name suggests. But before I get carried away writing about this little lady, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the journey we embarked upon to reach this fascinating, exciting time in our lives.

Mere words cannot possibly describe the gratitude and love we have for Dr. Sweet and his staff. I mean from the first day we ever parted the doors at your practice, my wife was instantly in a comfort zone that confused us both because my wife hates everything about doctors. This experience, thank God, was a bit different for her. My wife has been known to shed a tear or two when we have to visit to the doctor. But, I can honestly say, my wife still to this day, loves the people we have had the privilege to meet along this journey.

I hate to name names, but I would be remise if I did not say what an inspiration Heather was to our lives. Not only is she the best at what she does, but the small things she did for the wife and I are priceless. Delving into our personal lives and careers to ensure we were always able to leave on a happy note whether it meant chatting about her son to calling just to say "Hi" on some of the dark and stressful days.

Doctor Sweet, what can I say, I thought I was the man! But you, my friend, you are the man and will forever be the man in our sight! You are a remarkable man and I know you will always be that way. Thank God for doctors as yourself. Your firm, no nonsense approach to life was just what the doctor of life really ordered for us, me (Dad) especially. To hear things from you no matter how serious or harsh they may have been, you were able to make us feel you were for us as if this was just as important to you as it was for us. I know you felt that way and that has to be part of the reason for your continued success. You are special.

It is my prayer that your staff continues to grow and earn/receive countless success in your practice. You all are well deserving of all the special things God has planned for each of you. Please accept this simple expression of thanks. We love you all and most importantly, D'Yani loves her second Dad and all of her aunts and uncles as well.


The Donnell's

Dr. Sweet’s comments:
This is one very determined family.

I remember so many aspects of their experience in my practice. There was surgery with a complication (not due to my work), the ICU with rapid recovery, a set back making it nearly impossible for D'Yani to join us followed by determination by this family and shear momentum from within my practice.

They are a wonderful family and I am truly honored to have been trusted so much and to have helped fill their lives in some way. I will always remember them and I learned a great deal from them on many different levels.

Great joy to all of them!


updated 6/9/09

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