Greco Family: Our Journey to getting Pregnant

Michael and I met in high school. Then seven years later we married in November 2004. We began trying to get pregnant in March, 2005. When March 2006 came around and we still weren't pregnant, we went to my OB/GYN and he sent us to Dr. Sweet. After doing many tests (getting my tubes checked, checking my husbands sperm, etc.) we still did not understand why we could not get pregnant.

So we began with clomid/lUI. We tried this for 2 rounds. I would get about 4 eggs but they wouldn't fertilize. Then we moved on to Superovulation/IUI's. We tried this for 3 rounds. Again, I would release about 4 eggs, but we couldn't get anything to fertilize. So we decided it was time to do IVF. Dr. Sweet told me that my problem was "low ovarian reserve", I couldn't believe this, I was only 26 years old. He thought that I would go through menopause sooner rather than later.

He said that I should definitely think about having all my children early in life. I was very nervous but I new this was my best chance at getting pregnant. So we signed up for February 2007. We were very nervous and excited all at once.

The process was rather easy since I was already used to getting shots in my stomach with the superovulation they only change came when it was time to "harvest" the eggs. We were excited to get 6 eggs; this was the most I had ever had. Then a couple days later we learned that of those six that they all fertilized. We were very excited so far everything was as good as we could ask for. Then when we went in for the transfer back to me we found out that we still had 3 embryos that had "made it". Along with Dr. Sweet's advice, we decided to transfer all 3 back into me. I was nervous that I would have triplets, but it was definitely worth the risk. I just wanted to have children, if it meant having 3 at one time, then I would do it. We left that part for God to decide.

When it came time for my blood test to find out if I was pregnant, I was nervous. But I have to admit that I did not do as Pam had instructed; I did take a home pregnancy test and it was positive, so I was nervous that it was wrong and that the blood test would show that. Luckily, it was correct and I was pregnant! My numbers were very strong, so then came the speculation as to how many babies I was pregnant with. I had a feeling it would be twins. I was correct and the first time we saw those two little heartbeats is a memory I will never forget.

I did have some complications with the pregnancy, placenta previa. It caused me to spot up until week 16. Every time was very nerve wracking because I thought I might be miscarrying. I delivered at 36 weeks and 2 days via C-Section.

Today, I am happy to say that we have a beautiful little girl and a handsome little boy. It was a journey that we will never forget. We love them with all our hearts. Even when they are crying, as they do every evening around 7pm, we still would not change a thing.

I want to thank Dr. Sweet for all his help. With out him I don't think we would have our children today.
Thank you,
Shannon & Michael Greco

Dr. Sweet’s comments:
I recall the frustration we all felt when the IUI procedures were not working. While there were issues on both sides, we really hoped that the less expensive procedures would do the trick. Even though Shannon was young, her ovarian reserve seemed compromised and it became painfully obvious during the superovulation cycles. Even though there were not a great many eggs to be had, I believe the quality was quite good, mostly because she was so young and really quite healthy. We made some great decisions along the way and I am proud of them for trying and of my team that made it work so very well for them!


updated 1/10/10

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